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Safety Tips to Prevent House Fires in Plano, TX

Losing your house to smoke and fire damage is a very difficult experience to go through. But accidents can happen anytime, without warning. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help prevent house fires from occurring in the first place. Below, this fire and smoke damage restoration company in Plano, Texas is going to provide some house fire prevention tips that will help keep you and your loved ones safe.

House Fire Prevention Tips

According to NFPA, more than three hundred thousand fires were reported in the U.S. during 2014 and 2018. These resulted in more than 2,500 civilian deaths, 11,000+ fire-related injuries, as well as close to $7 billion in property damage.

The statistics are alarming. Preventing house fires and being aware of the hazards is the key to maintaining a safer environment. Follow this fire prevention advice:

  • Create an effective fire safety plan so everyone can escape if an emergency arises.
  • Practice numerous scenarios of escaping the property through emergency exits to ensure total protection.
  • Instruct all members on how to escape and where to meet in case of an actual fire.
  • Install smoke alarms in all rooms and floors, test those routinely, and always keep them enabled.
  • Place the primary fire extinguisher, most likely in the living area, kitchen, and garage, for the safety of your home and loved ones.
  • Periodically check on the cords, circuits, and outlets of all home appliances. Fix any damage right away.
  • Pet-proof and childproof the property. Make sure pets and kids aren’t able to reach flammable items easily.
  • Keep the yard clean and well-maintained to prevent outside fires due to an unkempt landscape.
  • Do not store flammables in the garage, as this could pose a threat in the summer heat.
  • On occasions like the Fourth of July, wedding celebrations, backyard parties, or other holidays, prevent overloading the circuits with holiday lights or several cooking appliances.
  • Smoke outdoors, on concrete surfaces,and always run the ashtrays under water before discarding the burnt cigarettes.
  • Fireplace maintenance is also essential. Schedule routine inspections, burn only dry wood to avoid excessive creosote buildup and keep the fireplace covered with a glass door or wire mesh.
  • Inspect faulty fuses, panel boxes, insulation, wires, outlets, connectors, etc., to prevent the risk of extensive fire damage due to an electrical breakdown.
  • Be careful when cooking and keep all combustible items away from fire or electronics. Never cook when tired or under the influence to avoid cooking mishaps.

There is no certainty regarding how a fire might happen in your house in Plano, Texas. But whatever the situation may be, it’s best to minimize your risk and always follow the three Ps — plan, practice, and prevent.

Looking for a Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration Company in Plano, Texas?

Taking adequate measures to keep the chances of fires at a minimum is the best way to secure your property. If you find yourself in a situation where there is an uncontrollable fire in your house, you should evacuate all members and call for help.

Once the fire is put out by the professionals, get in touch with our smoke damage restoration crew in Plano, Texas to help restore your property. We provide 24/7 emergency response and address fire and smoke problems head-on with our state-of-the-art equipment and techniques.

We are available to fix, reconstruct, and restore your property after any disaster. If you are in Plano, Texas  or the surrounding areas, contact Mr. Restore for all your fire damage cleanup and restoration needs.

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