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10 Must-Have Items on Your Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Spring is the perfect time to get outdoors and tackle some of your home projects. The days are lengthening in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, and the weather is getting warmer. The cold weather has passed, and you can get outside and start looking for any damage to your home. You can also make any repairs that are needed and prepare your home for summer.

Mr. Restore has responded to many disasters that could have been prevented if homeowners had taken precautions at the beginning of each Spring. Check out some helpful tips to get you started and prevent possible water and other home damage.

1. Clean Gutters and Downspouts

It’s important to clean and repair your gutters and downspouts after a storm. Clogged gutters and downspouts could cause the wood trim at the eaves to rot. This can invite all things to your attic space, along with unexpected water damage. Cleaning your gutters and downspouts early in the season can help prevent this kind of damage during the spring weather.

2. Reseal Exterior Woodwork

Most outdoor structures last longer and stay in better condition when stained or sealed. This includes:

  • Wood decks
  • Fences
  • Railings
  • Trellises
  • Pergolas

They should be resealed about every two years. You can also take this opportunity to do any needed repairs to the woodwork.

3. Check for Signs of Termites

You should be on the lookout for termites starting in March through May or June. Termites swarm in the springtime. Termite damage can lead to a variety of structural problems in your home or property. Termites can often be hard to see; however, if you notice winged insects flying out of a hole in the woodwork, these are termites! Call a licensed professional pest control company just in case to inspect your home. You will save yourself money and trouble in the long run.

4. Inspect Roof

Winter can take a toll on your roof. When spring arrives, make a simple visual inspection of your roof. Look for:

  • Missing shingles
  • Metal pipes that are damaged or missing
  • Anything that simply doesn’t look right

Call a roofer if you notice anything that needs closer inspection or repair.

5. Paint Exterior

Spring is a good time for repainting your home’s exterior. You might even try working with someone at a hardware or paint store to get the perfect hue.

6. Inspect Driveways and Paths

Freezing and thawing can be rough on your concrete, asphalt, and other hardscaping materials. Walk around your property and look for damage to any walkways, paths, or driveways. Go ahead and schedule repairs as needed. Damaged concrete may need to be completely replaced.

7. Check Sprinkler and Irrigation Systems

You can save water, and your plants, by checking your sprinklers or irrigation systems in the spring. Here are some steps on how to check your watering system:

  1. Manually run the system through all the zones.
  2. Walk the property.
  3. Look for and replace any heads that are broken or damaged.
  4. Adjust any heads that are spraying the house, especially windows. This may cause moisture problems.
  5. Adjust any heads that are spraying streets, sidewalks, or porches. This way, you can avoid wasting water.

8. Prevent Mosquitoes

We have, in recent years, become more aware of the potential danger to our health that mosquitos can pose. West Nile virus and Zika virus are just the latest diseases these winged pests have caused. The best way to prevent mosquitos is to get rid of any standing water around your home. Remember, standing water is very dangerous and can lead to mold, mildew, and lasting damage to your floors.

9. Check Screen Doors and Windows

A screen is to let the breeze flow in and keeps bugs out. However, they can only do their job correctly when there are no holes and tears. Be sure to check each screen and repair any holes or tears carefully, no matter how small they are. You can buy screen repair kits at most hardware and home improvement stores.

10. Schedule an A/C Service

There are two things you need to do to get the longest life out of your cooling system and keep it running as efficiently as possible:

  • Change the air filters at least once a season
  • Hire a licensed professional to service the equipment before the summer starts

Following these spring home maintenance tips will help you keep your home in tip-top shape. If you have experienced damage from a winter storm or disaster, give Mr. Restore a call. We will work hard to restore your home as quickly as possible.

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