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Water Damage and Insurance in Dallas, TX

Water remediation in Dallas, TX,  is a widely availed service simply because the issue is so common in our area. In fact, water damage alone represents a significant portion of all insurance claims that are made. So what causes water damage? Usually, this happens due to pipe bursts, clogged drains, malfunctioning appliances, and the weather. What kind of water remediation in Dallas, TX,  does your instance policy cover, and to what extent? Read on to find out coverage details for water remediation in Dallas, TX.

Does your insurance policy cover water remediation in Dallas, TX?

Any standard home insurance policy usually offers coverage for sudden and accidental cases of water damage, including the following.

  • Damages are caused by the weight of snow. For instance, if the snow or ice on your roof subjects it to greater pressure and causes it to collapse, the damage will be covered
  • Damages caused by water overflow
  • Frozen pipes

An HO-3 policy offers you standard coverage. For increasing coverage, you’ll probably have to add endorsements to the policy. If your policy is HO-1 or HO-8, the offered coverage is limited and may not even include all of the items given above, depending on your insurance provider.

Where exactly do the differences lie?

Sounds confusing? Our expert team dealing with water remediation in Dallas, TX,  has listed down the three main types of water damage under a home insurance policy. Some particular water damage types are fairly simple to understand. Any homeowner should be aware of the three main ones, which insurance providers often talk about when you discuss coverage plans and claims with them. Many times, the underlying cause or the primary source of damage isn’t known or obvious. Insurance providers make attempts to find out the causes by using terms like a flood, discharge, overflow, and sewer backup. They determine the primary cause of the damage before entertaining your coverage requests. Insurance companies send over one of their representatives who will inspect your site and investigate the damage. Accordingly, they’ll figure out if your claim is valid or not. Mr. Restore can work with your insurance and take the necessary steps to ensure that your claim is approved.

Sewer Backup

Water backup or sewer backup is a term used when water from your sewer system is pushed back into your home through the pipes network. Since the damage involves dirty and contaminated sewer water, not only is your personal property affected, but your health is also exposed to risks. Sewer backup is caused due to several reasons, some of which are outlined below.

  • City main blockage; water is forced to back up into your home when it can’t find a way forwards and out of the system
  • Aging sewer and drainage systems; regular maintenance is the key here if you want optimal functioning of the sewer system
  • Some tree roots can go right through the pipes and block water flow. Get your restoration and drainage system inspected right away if you feel this could be a reason.

Sewer backup damages can be worth thousands of dollars. Moreover, the rates of such incidents are increasing by around 3% every year. What does this mean? That you should sign up for sewer backup coverage separately because it’s usually not included in a standard homeowner’s policy.

Water Overflow Damage

Water overflow damage or damage by discharged water is generally the type that comes to mind when you think of a water damage claim. The main sources of the damage are usually overflow appliances such as your washing machine and bathtubs. If water originates from your plumbing systems, then the term ‘discharge’ is used. As an example, if your water heater gives in because of a pipe burst, then insurance providers will refer to the incident as water discharge. Both overflow and discharge are sudden and so are covered by your policy. However, seepage takes place gradually and is not covered.

Flood Damage

Flood damage is one of the most confusing aspects of coverage related to water remediation in Dallas, TX. The term is often used when the water has pooled in your home. However, your insurance provider uses the term in a different context. Insurance companies regard a flood as an overflowing water body; the level of water outside your home increases and then rises to a point where it enters your home. Officially flood is regarded to be a temporary condition in which at least two acres or at least two properties are inundated partially or completely. In the simplest terms, you can claim flood damage only when another home has been affected. If the damage is only on your property, then you cannot claim flood damage coverage. Usually, the water source in such a case falls into the ones identified above and is treated as a water damage claim, not a flood claim. That being said, flood damage isn’t included under any home insurance policy, but water damage may be covered. So make sure that you are using the correct terms when describing the situation to your insurance provider.

So what do we conclude?

You are covered if the water damage is accidental. If it occurs because of wear and tear or a maintenance issue, then your insurance company will reject your claim for water remediation in Dallas, TX. Mr. Restore  offers water remediation in Dallas, TX,  and surrounding areas. We have an expert team and have been in the restoration industry for the past 50 years. Our most valuable features include r24/7 service, advanced drying processes and equipment, and free evaluations. If you ever require water remediation in Dallas, TX, give us a call right away, and we’ll be at your doorstep within an hour. We’ll then inspect the situation and try to fix the root cause first. We can also work with your insurance providers and ascertain that your valid claim requests are approved. Visit our website for more information on water remediation in Dallas, TX.

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