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Tips to Help You Recover From Storm Damage in Dallas, TX

The stormy weather is something you can never expect to be forgiving. Depending on the severity of it, a storm can literally change the whole landscape within a few moments. Whenever the stormy season comes, it is not necessary that your home or office gets damaged by hurricanes or tornados. Poor maintenance may come into play, making your home more susceptible to damage. Storm damage in Dallas, TX,  has been a significant factor affecting the very livelihoods of so many American citizens living in the area. It is unavoidable and inevitable that you will be facing such a situation, so it is better to be prepared for it. We have put together this post so that we can give you a few tips to help you recover from storm damage in Dallas, TX. If you know what you should expect and learn everything you need to know before the next storm hits the area, you will have a relatively less difficult time recovering from the damage and getting things back to normal.

Safety Always Comes First

We are talking about the tips during the aftermath of the storm. Apart from the safety precautions and the preparations that you and your family must make before and during the storm, when you're recovering from the storm damage in Dallas, TX, after the storm has done what it has to, you have to be careful. You will obviously need to assess the damage that has been done to your home, but before you do that, you have to keep a few very important things in mind. Depending on the amount of damage, there will be broken glass and possibly a lot of exposed nails here and there. Be wary of these sharp items. Whether or not the power went out because of the storm, you have to make the assumption that the power lines are still active. You can never be too safe when it comes to exposed power lines. Keep a distance of at least 8 or 9 feet from any exposed power lines. If you are inspecting your home at night, make sure you have a high-powered flashlight. Using candles or lighters is a huge risk because there are chances of gas leaks. You will want to minimize the chances of anything further happening, so a flashlight is a safer light source to use. If you smell any gas leakage, shut off the main supply, open all the windows, head out of the home and call the authorities, and they will come to deal with the problem.

Assess The Damage Done

Now that you have these safety tips to keep in mind going into damage assessment of the storm damage in Dallas, TX,  let's get into what you should look out for.

The Roof

The roof of your house is the most vulnerable to storm damage. If any debris or tree limbs might have fallen on your home's roof, it might have suffered some structural damage. Among the common signs that your roof has suffered damage, you will see that the seams might have split. There could be broken tiles or missing or broken shingles. Your roof might have started leaking. There could be dents in the ventilation system.

Doors and Windows

The doors and windows are also especially susceptible to getting damaged from the debris. After checking your roof for damage, make sure that you check your windows and doors for any cracks and holes and see if the frames have suffered any damage. There will definitely be broken glass shards and exposed nails – be careful about those. Board up all the broken windows until the time comes that they can be fixed properly.

Exterior and Appliances

Once you have checked the doors and the windows, go around the house and check for damage done to the exterior of your house. Other than the home's structure, be sure to check for damages done to the outside appliances, like the AC unit. Whatever debris you can remove from the rooftop without risking any danger, you should do that.


A lot of people have sump pumps installed in their homes because they are very helpful in minimizing the storm damage in Dallas, TX  by removing the water accumulating in the basement. Make sure that you don't go into the water without turning off the main power supply. Once you've ensured you're not at risk of electrocution, start the sump pump to remove the water. Removing any standing water helps reduce water damage that will be done if it's left standing.

Contacting Your Insurance Provider

Document all the storm damage in Dallas, TX,  to your home. Throughout the time you are assessing the damage done to your home before you start boarding up windows and doors until they can be fixed, take photographs and videos so that you can show them to the insurance company and get proper coverage. We at Mr. Restore believe that this is a very important step for you to take so that you have proper proof. Once you have all the assessments of the damage done and documented properly to show to the insurance-providing company, you should call in for additional help to aid you in your recovery from the storm damage in Dallas, TX.

Choosing The Right Contractor To Come In

Once you have all the trivialities related to assessing the damage and documenting it for the insurance company sorted out, you need to start taking the course of action toward recovering from the damage. Call us at Mr. Restore. We're the contractor that has been helping people recover from storm damage in Dallas, TX,  for years now, and we take pride in our ability to do so. Once you call us after the documentation of the damage, we can help make things safer for you and your family in a more immediate sense. After that, we are also the ones who will make sure that your home is restored from storm damage with efficacy like no other. Whatever your situation is after the storm, we are going to help your process of recovering from the storm damage in Dallas, TX and help you get things back to normal as soon as possible. You can always count on us. For more information, contact us through our website at

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