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How to Prepare for Tornado Season

A tornado is the most destructive type of storm, and if you have lived in Texas long enough, it is likely you have experienced one. Mr Restore has replied to hundreds of emergency restoration calls that have been a result of a tornado. We have a few things you can do to prepare and prevent harm caused by a tornado. Once you have taken all of our necessary precautions, be sure to regularly check with FEMA to ensure you are aware of upcoming warnings.

While there are many things you can do to prepare for storms, some may require that you leave your home to get the necessary supplies, like boarding up windows or purchasing a generator.

Discuss Emergency Plans With Your Family

Now is the perfect time to plan and discuss what your family will do in the event of a tornado. When an emergency strikes, you and your family will need to act fast and under pressure. Discussing what to do ahead of time will alleviate any stress and could potentially save lives. When discussing an emergency plan with your family, be sure to cover the following topics:

  • Responsibilities of each member – Establish ahead of time who is in charge of specific things. You will want to talk about who will be in charge of gathering emergency supplies and making sure small children, elderly and pets have been accounted for and moved to safety. 
  • Where to meet for shelterThe shelter should be selected in the lowest level of the building and in an interior room away from windows, doors, outside walls, and corners. We suggest finding a closet in your home away from windows. Remember, automobiles and mobile homes are the worst places to be in a tornado. If you are in one during a tornado, get out. Look for shelter in either a building or a low spot, such as a ditch.

Important Items for Emergency Tornado Kit

You may not be able to predict exactly what you will need when a tornado hits. The damage may be minimal or could be extreme. Your neighborhood could be without power for a while, access to grocery stores may be limited, and it may be difficult to get necessary items and supplies. Many of these items you will already have around your house. Consider creating an emergency kit will the following items in case of a tornado: 

  • Non-Perishable Food – at least a 3-day supply for everyone in the household, including canned items with pop-tops 
  • Water – 1 gallon per person per day (3 days)
  • Extra batteries
  • Radio to receive emergency warnings and alerts
  • Flashlight with batteries 
  • Change of clothes and shoes for each person
  • First aid kit
  • Portable cell phone charger and batteries
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Prescription and other medications if needed
  • Cash or traveler’s checks – remember, ATMs may not be working if power is down
  • Pet food and extra water
  • Warm blanket
  • Infant formula and food
  • Games, books, puzzles, and other entertaining activities

While this may sound like a lot of items, it is better to be over prepared than under-prepared. We suggest keeping your supplies in the location where you will meet for shelter, or in an easily accessible place that you can get to quickly.  Following these tips can keep you safe during and after a storm. Save our contact information so that in case your home is effected by a tornado we can assist you quickly.  We have all the right resources to get your home back to normal quickly so that you can get back to living.

Photo: MrRestore Storm Damage Project in Waxahachie TX

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