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Assessing Flood Damage in Fort Worth, TX

Although there are many natural disasters that can leave your home in tatters, it has been shown by researchers that floods are the least predictable in terms of the damage they do, but can anyone argue against this assessment? Sometimes a flood can leave your house relatively unscathed and allow you to salvage many of your prized items, such as furniture, television, and carpeting, but less fortunate homeowners are faced with thousands of dollars in repairs.

And this isn’t the end of their troubles at all. Water is the source of bacterial growth, and its proliferation necessitates the exponential growth of microbes, which means that common microbial pests such as mold and algae would grow on walls, rooftops, and other areas of the house which are far away from sight.

The worst part about their ordeal is that their homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood damage in Fort Worth, TX. In the majority of cases, a separate policy is required to cover flood damage. Some homeowners might get relief in the form of assistance from government agencies or a bank loan, but none of these sources are able to provide real relief at all because the funds are too short.

The worst part is how flood damage in Fort Worth, TX makes it all the more likely for a risk of fire in your house. By seeping into gas lines, containers, tanks, generators, electrical appliances, and shorting water sources, the likelihood of fire damage increases. And in a difficult situation brought about by flooding, this is the last thing you would want to get your hands on.

During a flood, it is vital to never touch a circuit breaker. Water is a good conductor of electricity and transfers this property to whatever item it may have touched or come across, whether this includes wood, plastic, or even human beings. So while it might feel tempting to go across to the circuit board and flip off the switch to get your peace of mind, the risk of electrocution is not worth it.

Technicians at Mr. Restore agree just how dangerous flood damage in Fort Worth, TX, can get; even for well-rounded professionals with years of experience under their belt, the risk of electrocution is always there. Do not approach any electronic devices or restore power to your home until the humidity in the air has dried up, and you have received a proper seal of approval from an electrician.

In order to use electronic items such as refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and televisions, it is recommended to thoroughly dry them and remove any trapped sediments before using them again. Flood water sometimes brings with itself dangerous toxins which easily compromise the proper functionality of your device, and in this case, it can prove difficult for professionals to salvage the item.

Experts at Mr. Restore recommend replacing the following items if they have been submerged underwater.

  • Television
  • Dishwasher
  • Circuit breaker
  • Wires
  • Electrical outlets
  • Thermostats
  • Switches
  • Gas services

When you have flood insurance

Your first course of action, if you have flood insurance, is to get in touch with your insurance adjuster immediately after flood damage in Fort Worth, TX. Take pictures for an inventory and salvage as many items as possible. It is important to keep the damaged materials in a safe location to show proof of loss. Once the adjuster assesses the damage to your house, the damage can be compensated.

As you attempt to clean and repair your homes, it is important to begin to equip yourself with appropriate safety equipment such as rubber gloves, work boots, and safety glasses in order to keep dangerous toxins at bay. Flood water can easily expose you to bacteria, dangerous toxins, lethal chemicals, and various contaminants.

Your health matters

The contaminants brought in by the flood water don’t just go away after you’ve dried everything. Our technicians recommend wearing waterproof gloves and boots to remove items that have been contaminated by the bacteria in flood water. If the food has been compromised, it necessitates removal of them before you ingest them. Authorities recommend boiling drinking water until the supply lines have been decontaminated and are deemed safe.

Getting rid of the mold damage

Mold can easily grow in a span of 24 hours after a flood, which makes it absolutely necessary to dry out items in the house, including carpets and curtains. Research has shown that if the item has been in touch with the water for less than 48 hours, it could still be salvageable. Of course, if the item has monetary value to it, then you should try to notify the company about them so that it doesn’t affect your coverage.

Rugs can be dried and cleaned, but depending on the material and size of the rug, it can take anywhere from $100 to $600 to repair the damages. While it is possible to recover furniture such as couches and beds, once they have been saturated with water, it is impossible for experts to do much with them other than discard them.

You can decrease the chance of mold growth by cleaning surfaces with a non-ammonia detergent, it should ideally contain 10% bleach solution to serve as a disinfectant. A word of caution from our technicians though, never mix ammonia and bleach products because the result can be highly toxic.

Before testing the product on a large piece of furniture, it is best to try it on smaller, disposable objects to see if it causes staining or fading.

It is a good idea to poke holes at the floor level to allow any escaped water to escape.

But the ideal way to professionally deal with the situation is to hire the services of skilled technicians who have years of experience with flood damage in Fort Worth, TX.

Visit our website at Mr. Restore to book an appointment with a technician today for the best flood damage restoration services in Texas. Our trained technicians will audit your house and let you know about the items that can be salvaged, prepare the best possible case with your insurance agency, so you get the highest compensation possible for damages and prevent further destruction of property.

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