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9 Safety Tips for a Flooded Home | Flood Damage in Plano, TX

Natural disasters can be devastating and leave havoc in their wake. Thanks to progress in science and the modern technology it has gifted us with, forecasting keeps us safe most of the time. However, while we manage to evacuate safely, our homes cannot. After the flood, most people find their homes damaged to a great extent, and sometimes they are never able to restore them to their original state. But flood damage in Plano, TX,  is no longer an issue. With Mr. Restore just a phone call away, you can direct all your focus and energy to keep the people around you safe. Mr. Restore, with its skilled employees and high-tech machinery, are expert in bringing houses back to their original state after flood damage in Plano, TX. With a company like that to take care of your house, you can take care of your family members. Here’s a list of safety tips for you to remember when entering your house after the flood:

1. Do Not Go Back to the House

We know it’s difficult and extremely disturbing to see your house and everything probably getting damaged by the flooded water. But safety comes before anything else. Do not enter the house again until you are absolutely sure that it is safe. If there are any caution signs or no-enter signs, then stay away, even if you think it looks fine. A flooded area is dangerous, even long after the flood has passed. If you have evacuated your house, only return after the authorities of flood damage in Plano, TX,  say that it’s safe to do so.

2. Watch Out For Leaks

One of the most dangerous things that could result from flood damage in Plano, TX,  is gas leakage and electric fires. A leaked gas pipeline can lead to a fatal explosion, whereas electric wires and outlets can start a fire in contact with the water. In most cases, forecasts inform us about the flood earlier, and you can take that time as an opportunity to shut off the main sources of gas and electricity in your house.

3. Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Once you have returned to your house, you’ll still need to be careful. If you are using generators for electricity, make sure to run them at least 20 feet from any door, window, and vents. The same goes for any kind of engine. If you are pressure washing your house, keep the engine at least 20 feet away from the doors, windows, and vents, and keep it outside the house. Most of the time, flood damage in Plano, TX,  happens after the flood.

4. Do Not Pump Out the Basement too Soon

Basements always remain the last room in the house with water. But pumping out water from the basement is different than pumping it out from other rooms. It could be dangerous not only to the structure of the house but also to the people. When there’s water in the basement, it means there’s water outside the basement walls as well. Right after a heavy flood, the ground is extremely saturated and could lead to collapsing of the walls if the basement is pumped out too soon. Wait for an expert opinion before taking that decision or for a green light from the local authorities of flood damage in Plano, TX.

5. Take Pictures

Once the local authorities allow you to enter the house, make sure you take pictures or a video of the damage.   This will help you report the damage to your insurance company and claim your insurance much more smoothly. When you are preparing for evacuation, buy a disposable camera for it. These pictures will also help you report and document the flood damage in Plano, TX.

6. Be Wary of What you Eat and Drink

Don’t ever consider flood water for drinking. In fact, throw away all food items and bottled water that could have come in contact with the flood water. When you enter the house again, make sure that all edibles and water in the house are safe to consume. If not, throw it out. Flood water can lead to a number of harmful diseases as it is heavily contaminated. Even the food items that you’re doubtful about throw it out. Keep drinking bottled water until the news reports communicate that the community’s drinking water is safe. The spreading of harmful diseases is one of the most common and fatal flood damage in Plano, TX.

7. Stay Away From Sewage Affected Area

The pressure of flood water often disrupts the sewage lines. As a result, the water leaks out and spreads around the house. This can foster bacteria and viruses and spread diseases. First, keep the pets and children away from that area and then follow a proper clean-up procedure to ensure nothing harmful remains behind.

8. Seal Off the Damage

When entering the house after a flood, make sure to keep the kids and pets outside and only allow them to enter once you have surveyed them properly and made sure it’s safe. Keep an eye out for the damaged property. Flood often results in broken windows and fixtures and creates sharp edges, and leaves injurious materials lying around. Seal off these damaged areas and make sure everyone knows not to cross that part. Ensure everyone’s safety this way. This is one of the most important steps to take during flood damage in Plano, TX.

9. Keep an Eye Out for the Wild Life

It may seem impossible or even absurd to think, but flood damage in Plano, TX,  means you can cross paths with a wild animal.  During floods, many animals get separated from their flocks. So don’t be surprised when you find a wild animal in your home; stay vigilant and inform the authorities at once if you see any such animal in your habitat. If you are still struggling to get your house in shape after the last storm, don’t worry. Rely on Mr. Restore to restore your house.

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