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6 Facts About Flooding and Water Damage in Fort Worth, TX

Whether it is a small accident or a big one, water damage in your home can be a cause to worry. In such a scenario, you should not hesitate to call the experts for water damage restoration in Fort Worth, TX. Being laid back about water damage can be problematic as it can wreak havoc in a number of different ways. It’s also a good idea to educate yourself about the danger that your house faces from flooding, whether the cause is external or internal. You need to know the following important facts about flooding and  water damage restoration in Fort Worth, TX.

1. Your Health Can Be Compromised

Many homeowners don’t think that flooding is harmful to their health. Sure, it can damage their possessions and home walls, but does it negatively impact their health? Yes, it does. Even clean water can become polluted the longer it sits or collects in your home. A good indicator is by judging the color and source of the water. If it is clear, it is safe to handle it on your own. However, if it appears to be grey, murky or dirty, you should call the professionals for water damage restoration in Fort Worth, TX. If an odor accompanies the dirty water, it could be because of sewage, chemical waste, or other harmful components. Furthermore, if the water is black in color, you shouldn’t try to DIY it as it is a health hazard.

2. Clean Up Has to Be Started Immediately

Once you discover the water damage, you’re immediately racing against time. To successfully negate the effects, you need to apply water damage restoration in Fort Worth, TX,  within the next 24 to 48 hours. The longer you delay, the more widespread the damage will become. Mold also starts to grow in this time period since the humidity levels are perfect for it. Working with the experts is a good idea because they are more skilled at handling restoration. There’s also a plus point: they offer emergency services and have all the necessary tools. Their skill set and experience also mean that they will understand the right method for effective water damage restoration in Fort Worth, TX.

3. The No.1 Natural Disaster

Flooding doesn’t just occur internally due to faulty appliances, broken pipes, or more. It can happen externally as well. Based on your locality, you might be living in a high-risk area. Additionally, floods are ranked as the no.1 natural disaster in the U.S. and can occur anytime. Flash floods also bring 10 feet walls of water that can easily submerge whole houses. In this case, water damage restoration in Fort Worth, TX,  can also be more challenging since you have to wait for the water level to decrease. Even if the water doesn’t rise to 10 feet, the pressure and flow of a flood can be unpredictable. In most floods, even 2 feet of pressurized, flowing water is strong enough to push cars and cause damage to the basement and lower part of the homes.

4. Cracks in the Pipe

One of the most common causes of home water damage is a pipeline crack. Don’t think so? Even the most minuscule crack in a pipe can lead to the wastage of around 250 gallons of water on a daily basis. By the time the leak is discovered, the water damage is widespread and extensive. In this case, water damage restoration in Fort Worth, TX should be done on an emergency basis. Additionally, not all cracks in the pipelines are visible. Even a crack that measures up to 1/8th of an inch will be enough to cause leaks and water damage. There’s an added difficulty here that these cracks are hard to identify. The biggest indicator can be your water bill. If you notice an increase in water consumption and no discernable explanation for it, you might have a leak and unidentified water damage.

5. It’s known as the “Universal Solvent”

You might think that water isn’t damaging but think again. There’s a reason why it’s called the “universal solvent.” Water tends to eat away its surroundings, slowly and surely. When it pools in a particular area of your home, such as the basement, it will start to break the material around it. Even if it doesn’t dissolve the surrounding, water will always react. It will get absorbed, evaporate or have another reaction. This can mean that you have water in the floorboards, the sub-level, and even on the wallpaper. Due to the nature of water, the services for water damage restoration in Fort Worth, TX,  must be applied quickly and carefully in your home.

6. Becoming Electrically Charged

Besides being a great solvent, water is also a great conductor of heat and electricity. This is why you should turn off the electric switch in any area of your home where water has collected. Be careful of any live wires or plugs. Additionally, there is a greater risk of this happening if the water has reached the outlets and plugs. Make sure that you turn the electricity off, even when getting professional water damage restoration services in Fort Worth, TX. Another step you should take is keeping pets and children away from the area. Electrically charged water can give them a bigger shock and cause more harm to them. If you cannot access the main switch area because water is near it, you should call the electricity company and ask them to turn off the power for you.

Work with Mr. Restore

If you are searching for good services for water damage restoration in Fort Worth, TX, get in touch with Mr. Restore. Their team of experts can handle any kind of water damage scenario. With emergency services available on a 24/7 basis, Mr. Restore offers you the best solutions whenever you need them.

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